
    Presentation files can be downloaded from here.

    Supplementary Information for the Video.

    1. Team composition of a YCRG project consists of a Project Coordinator (PC), Co-Principal Investigator(s) (Co-PI(s)), and Collaborator (optional).
    2. Applicants who have been appointed at Assistant Professor rank for more than 3 years are eligible for YCRG, given other eligibility requirements are fulfilled.
    3. Membership of RGC Collaborative Research Projects Steering Committee can be found on RGC website.
    4. Young Co-PI(s) must be an academic staff member of a UGC-funded university.

  2.  Presentation files can be downloaded from here.

  3. Presentation files can be downloaded from here.

  4. Presentation files can be downloaded from here.


  6. Presentation files can be downloaded from here.

    Supplementary Information for the Video:

    1. According to Disbursement, Accounting and Monitoring Arrangements for Funding Schemes Administered by the Research Grants Council (DAMA):
      1. Relief Teacher:
        • “The salary for the relief teacher should not exceed the salary of Staff Grade ‘G’ (i.e. Lecturer (U)) of the university concerned. Unless RGC’s approval to employ a relief teacher with higher salary is granted, the exceeding part of salary should be topped up by the university concerned.”  In this regard, there is no indicative rate per course rate for calculating Relief Teacher.
        • “If the award holder is also successful in securing teaching relief for an activity of different scope in GRF in the same funding cycle, he/she can begin the fellowship after the expiration of teaching relief grants in GRF.”
      2. Extension of Fellowship:
        • “The fellowship should run continuously for a maximum period of 12 months. Any extension or interruption or break of the 12-month period will require prior approval from the RGC."
        • “Normally, the RGC will only approve application for extension up to six months where sound justification is provided. In exceptional circumstances where further extensions are given by the RGC, such periods will be counted towards the period allowed for preparation and submission of completion reports.”
    2. PI is allowed to commit less than 100% of time to the HSSPFS and continue with some teaching and administrative duties in conjunction with the HSSPFS, but the Fellowship period will still be capped at a maximum of 12 months.
    3. Completion report should be submitted no later than 12 months after the approved completion date of the project. Should PI has any genuine needs, PI may submit change request for extension of completion report submission for RGC's consideration. Such request may be submitted after project completion date, but before the original due date.


    Presentation files can be downloaded from here.


  8.  Presentation files can be downloaded from here.


    Presentation files can be downloaded from here.

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