What document(s) should be prepared before and/or during application stage?

  • Research Ethics Traning Certificate
    i. Staff members are required to present the certificate(s) of passing the ethics test(s) before they could apply for any internal or external grants. For details, please visit the Research Ethics Training Website at https://www.research-ethics.cuhk.edu.hk/orktsResearch/.

  • Undertaking made by Grant Applicant 

  • VeriGuide
    i. VeriGuide Originality Reports should be endorsed by the respective Panels in the VeriGuide system before the applications are submitted to the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) for vetting.
    ii. Scanning of the applications should be done during both the application stage and the proposal update.
    iii. All full-time academic staff can now have free access to the VeriGuide scanning service (available at: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/veriguide) by entering their Staff IDs and CWEM passwords.