What is the range of funding support?

  • Threshold Limits for Applications
    • The lower threshold limits for applications are $150,000 for projects in the fields of Biology & Medicine, Engineering and Physical Sciences, and $100,000 for projects in the fields of Business Studies and Humanities & Social Sciences.
    • The budget for the proposals in the field of Biology & Medicine and Engineering will be capped at $1,200,000. Proposals costing more than $1,200,000 will still be considered but they must be supported by strong justifications. This budget cap is applicable to Biology & Medicine and Engineering Panels only.

  • Project Duration
    • Projects to be funded from the GRF should normally last for no more than three years except for applications for longer-term research grant, the objective of which is to cater for projects with a research objective(s) that can only be achieved in a time span of four to five years.