Research Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Chairman: Prof. Patrick Wong Chun-man, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages
Members: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Developments) (ex officio)
Prof. Wai-yee Chan
Dean of the Graduate School (ex officio)
Prof. Shaw Pang Chui*
Associate Dean (Research) of each Faculty (ex officio)
Prof. Gladys Tang Wai-lan, Faculty of Arts
Prof. YIng-yi Hong, Faculty of Business Administration
Prof. Amy Sau-ching Ha, Faculty of Education
Prof. Hon-ki Tsang, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Chao Xi, Faculty of Law
Prof. Dennis Yuk-ming Lo, Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Liwen Jiang, Faculty of Science
Prof. Jiang Xu, Faculty of Social Science
Senior academic members of the University, who are not Faculty Deans,
to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on an ad personam basis
Prof. Kit-tai Hau, Department of Educational Psychology
Prof. Mei-po Kwan, Department of Geography and Resource Management
Prof. Joseph Wan-yee Lau, Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Hon-ming Lam, School of Life Sciences
Prof. Jun Yu, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Secretary: Prof. Benny Chung-ying Zee, Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services
  * Prof. Shaw Pang Chui is the Acting Dean of the Graduate School with effect from 1 August 2021.

 Committee on Knowledge Transfer

Chairperson: Prof. SHAM Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor
Ex-officio Members: Prof. CHAN Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Developments)
Prof. WONG Chun-man Patrick, Deputy Chairman of the Research Committee
Prof. Dennis Y.M. LO, Chairman of the Patent Committee

Associate Deans of Faculties or representatives (at the rank of Assistant Professor or above) as appointed by the Deans
Prof. WONG Chun-man Patrick, Faculty of Arts
Prof. Michael ZHANG, Faculty of Business Administration
Prof. SO Wing-chee Catherine, Faculty of Education
Prof. Jack Y.B. LEE, Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Sandra MARCO COLINO, Faculty of Law (until January 3, 2021)
Prof. Eliza MIK, Faculty of Law (from January 4, 2021)
Prof. Dennis Y.M. LO, Faculty of Medicine
Prof. NGAI To, Faculty of Science
Prof. XU Jiang, Faculty of Social Science

Secretary: Dr. Ken YEUNG, Associate Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services

Patent Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Dennis Y M LO
Deputy Chairperson: Prof. YAM Yeung

Prof. CHAN Wai Yee
Prof. SHAW Pang Chui
Prof. TSANG Hon Ki
Prof. WANG Jianfang
Prof Patrick C M WONG
Prof XIE Zuowei
Prof Jimmy C M YU
Prof YU Jun

Secretary: Prof. ZEE Chung-ying Benny, Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services
Patent Application Fund (PAF) Review Panel:

Prof. AU Kwok Wai Samuel
Prof. Allen K C CHAN
Prof. CHAN Man Lok Andrew
Prof. LAU Kwok Fai
Prof. LEUNG Ting Fan
Prof. LIAO Wei-Hsin
Prof. LU Xinhui
Prof. Catherine MCBRIDE
Prof. MIAO Qian
Prof. NGAI To
Prof. QIN Ling
Prof. TSANG Suk Ying Faye
Prof. Chi Chun WONG
Prof. WONG Wing Tak Jack
Prof. WU Ka Kei William
Prof. ZEE Chung-ying Benny
Prof. ZHANG Xiang Jennifer

Committee on University Subsidiaries and Spin-off Companies

Chairperson: Prof. Mai-har SHAM, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Ex-officio Member: Mr. Eric S P NG, Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary
Prof. Dennis Y M LO, Chairperson, Patent Committee
Prof. Mai-har SHAM, Chairperson, Committee on Knowledge Transfer
Ms. Salome LAM, Bursar and Director of Finance
Members: Prof. CHAN Wai-yee, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Developments) and Director, School of Biomedical Sciences
Prof. LEE Jyh-an, Faculty of Law
Prof. Kam-fai WONG, Director, Centre for Innovation and Technology
Prof. Kevin AU, Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
Secretary: Dr. Ken YEUNG, Associate Director, Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services


For governance of Subsidiaries and Spin-off Companies, please refer to this document "Governance Framework for Subsidiaries and Spin-off Companies".  If you have any queries regarding the document, please contact Florence Yat at or Dr Ken Yeung at


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