Change Request

Any modification, amendment or addition to the project or the agreement, including change of the project commencement or completion date, project period, budget or Principal Investigator, will be subject to Grantors' approval.

All change requests should be submitted through Grants Team, ORKTS.
Awardees may refer to the following details for the submission methods of different grants:

    • For virement within the approved budget scope: Complete and submit to ORKTS the Budget Revision Form for RGC-funded Projects; or
    • For changes to GRF & ECS projects: Submit through RGC Electronic System
    • For changes to other RGC projects: Submit a letter to grantor through ORKTS
    • For application for temporary waiver of eligibility requirements: Please submit the completed undertaking to ORKTS

    • Submit a letter to grantor through ORKTS

    • Submit via online system

    • Submit via online system