• On HKSEC Scheme
    1. a. Current students from any tertiary institutions in Hong Kong or overseas with Hong Kong right to abode
      b. Former students who were awarded diplomas or degrees by any tertiary institutions in Hong Kong or overseas within 3 years from graduation
      c. Individuals aged between 18 to 35 with Hong Kong right to abode with an undergraduate or higher academic qualification(s)
      At least 50% of the members must meet criteria a/b

    2. Your social venture plan may address any local, national, regional, or global social need. For example, you may address problems faced by senior citizens, medical patients, youth or new immigrants. The plan may address problems of poverty, healthcare, education, the environment, information and communication technology, social services, agriculture, distribution or manufacturing. The proposed social venture model should contain at least the double bottom line, that is, a sustainable financial return and a distinguished social mission. Environmental neutrality is the third bottom line that is always welcome. It does not need to be technology related.

    3. Yes, it is compulsory. If you have graduated, you may find your previous professor / lecturer / instructor as your Faculty Advisor. The faculty advisor serves to confirm the eligibility of the team members and the integrity of their business plan. Ideally they should be a teaching staff (e.g. Professor, lecturer, instructor, etc.) of the tertiary institution, who may advise the team on idea inception, venture plan development, conducting market research, recruiting strategic partners, etc.

    4. Each winning team will be assigned a Principal Mentor who will monitor the progress of the team. Startup Award money will be given to individual team members upon completion of milestones agreed by Principal Mentors and teams. Each member of the two Champion Teams will receive a Startup Award of $75,000, while members of the 1st Runner-up Teams will receive $37,500 each.

  • On Innoport
    1. InnoPort welcomes CUHK members engaging in innovative and entrepreneurial activities. Funded teams and students endorsed by the following units are currently eligible!

      • ORKTS PI Centre
      • Minor Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPIN)
      • Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE)
      • Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC)
      • I‧CARE Centre for Whole-person Development (I-CARE) Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK
      • (YSBC)

      Please contact your affiliated unit for details.

  • On KPF Schemes
    1. We group projects under 7 main categories, but you are free to propose your own – we look forward to your new and innovative ideas!

      • Culture & Heritage - Promoting and preserving local culture and heritage
      • Good Health & Well-being - Ensuring healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
      • Gender Equality - Achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls
      • No Poverty - Ending poverty in all its forms everywhere
      • Quality Education - Innovating means for education and learning
      • Reduced Inequality - Reducing inequality in Hong Kong irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
      • Sustainable Cities &; Communities - Making our city and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

      * These categories correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. Please see more details in the website below.

    2. From our experience, other than having a strong cause, successful projects often have plans on recruiting participants or disseminating results to their target audience early on. We encourage you to identify people or organisations that can help achieve your desired outcomes in the planning stage.

      An example would be a well-established partnership with an organisation having access to your target beneficiaries. Another example would be engaging a team member with successful track record in disseminating project progress via social media.

  • On PI Programme
    1. YES! However, the team’s principal applicant should be a current student from CUHK, with a valid student status at the point of application.

    2. YES! PI Centre was stablished to nurture young entrepreneurs regardless of educational background. It provides professional training and workshops such as marketing, accounting and legal information, etc to equip you and your teams with the essential skills to start a business.

    3. NO! Sorry, only individuals or teams under the status of incubation can apply for PI Centre.

    4. YES! Students graduating within the incubation period will retain their PI Team status upon approval by PI Centre Management.

    5. Information sessions are always held before our recruitment deadlines, please drop by and learn more! Otherwise, feel free to contact us:
      Email: picentre@cuhk.edu.hk
      Phone/Whatsapp: 6346 4053
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuhkpicentre
      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuhk.picentre/

    6. Please stay tuned to PI Centre news and announcement. Recruitment takes place around every 6 months. Meanwhile, you may attend our workshops to prepare yourself as well as your application.

  • On S-KPF Schemes
    1. Any staff with social entrepreneurial mindset who aims to tackle social problems with research expertise, creativity and sustainable business solutions.

    2. A social enterprise can be defined as any business that targets a specific social mission. “Double Bottom Line” is often used to describe the unique nature of social enterprise which seeks balance between purpose and profit. Unlike ordinary social services, a social enterprise has a clear business model and needs to be self-sustainable. Yet, unlike an ordinary business entity, a social enterprise is driven by its social mission and strives to make impact in the society.

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