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Project/Company Name

A-Biotech (Hong Kong) Company Limited

Project Leader

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TSSSU Company

A-Biotech (Hong Kong) Company Limited is the first biotechnology company developing gene editing based therapy in Hong Kong, which was founded in 2017 by local biomedical scientists in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Our team has profound knowledge and documented expertise in gene editing and stem cell technology. "KI-Brilliant®" is our first launched technology, which is enabled by coupling with CRISPR/Cas9 technology. It facilitates higher efficacy of in vivo knock in and holds great potential to treat various inherited diseases. By employing this proprietary platform, we have completed the development of KI-Brilliant® Human GAPDH Knock-in kit and launched for sale in 2018. Meanwhile, we focus on targeting somatic tissues developing new generation of genetically-targeted therapy to cure lethal or deleterious inherited rare disease at "One intervention and done for lifetime". "KI-HB001" was created targeting to give lifetime cure at single intervention to Hemophilia patients, and it is pre-clinically proved to be more outstanding than current Gene Augmented Therapy (GAT) with its potential of reversing disorder in single shot, long lasting expression and highly specific with minimal toxicity. KI-HB001 is just a start and we will keep fueling our innovation and extend therapeutic development for more inherited rare disease patients. 香港易生物股份有限公司是第一家在香港開展基因編輯治療研發的生物技術公司,於2017年由香港中文大學專門從事幹細胞和基因組編輯研究的生物醫學科學家創立。 KI-Brilliant®是我們的精確基因敲入專利技術,通過與CRISPR/Cas9技術的結合,大大提高體內敲入效率,並且具有治療各種遺傳性疾病的巨大潛力。 通過此專利技術平台,我們已完成了KI-Brilliant® HumanGAPDH Knock-in工具包的開發,並開始銷售。同時,我們專注開發新一代基因靶向治療,為遺傳性罕見疾病創建根治治療模式「一次性治療,終生無憂」。 KI-HB001是我們首個為血友病患者開發的基因藥物,根據目前研究的發現,它不只比目前基因增強療法(GAT)功效高,並可以實現永久性基因修正和高特異性的目標。
Project/Company Name

A-Biotech (Hong Kong) Company Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


A-Biotech (Hong Kong) Company Limited is the first biotechnology company developing gene editing based therapy in Hong Kong, which was founded in 2017 by local biomedical scientists in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Our team has profound knowledge and documented expertise in gene editing and stem cell technology. "KI-Brilliant®" is our first launched technology, which is enabled by coupling with CRISPR/Cas9 technology. It facilitates higher efficacy of in vivo knock in and holds great potential to treat various inherited diseases. By employing this proprietary platform, we have completed the development of KI-Brilliant® Human GAPDH Knock-in kit and launched for sale in 2018. Meanwhile, we focus on targeting somatic tissues developing new generation of genetically-targeted therapy to cure lethal or deleterious inherited rare disease at "One intervention and done for lifetime". "KI-HB001" was created targeting to give lifetime cure at single intervention to Hemophilia patients, and it is pre-clinically proved to be more outstanding than current Gene Augmented Therapy (GAT) with its potential of reversing disorder in single shot, long lasting expression and highly specific with minimal toxicity. KI-HB001 is just a start and we will keep fueling our innovation and extend therapeutic development for more inherited rare disease patients. 香港易生物股份有限公司是第一家在香港開展基因編輯治療研發的生物技術公司,於2017年由香港中文大學專門從事幹細胞和基因組編輯研究的生物醫學科學家創立。 KI-Brilliant®是我們的精確基因敲入專利技術,通過與CRISPR/Cas9技術的結合,大大提高體內敲入效率,並且具有治療各種遺傳性疾病的巨大潛力。 通過此專利技術平台,我們已完成了KI-Brilliant® HumanGAPDH Knock-in工具包的開發,並開始銷售。同時,我們專注開發新一代基因靶向治療,為遺傳性罕見疾病創建根治治療模式「一次性治療,終生無憂」。 KI-HB001是我們首個為血友病患者開發的基因藥物,根據目前研究的發現,它不只比目前基因增強療法(GAT)功效高,並可以實現永久性基因修正和高特異性的目標。


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TSSSU Company