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Project/Company Name

AIROTA Diagnostics Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

We invented a new technique, ROTA (Retinal nerve fiber layer Optical Texture Analysis) (US Application No.62/571,559), to augment the diagnostic performance to detect glaucoma and non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies. ROTA integrates retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and RNFL reflectance measurements obtained with standard optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans to discern individual axonal fiber bundles. ROTA detects focal RNFL defects in early optic neuropathy and reveals residual axonal fiber bundles in end-stage optic neuropathy that are discernible neither in conventional OCT analysis nor other clinical investigations. Our objective is to develop artificial intelligence assisted ROTA (AIROTA), which integrates (1) ROTA, (2) cloud computing, and (3) deep learning into major clinical optical coherence tomography systems worldwide to automate clinical workflow for diagnostic evaluation and screening of glaucoma and non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies. Our business model represents a key strategy for prevention of blindness and visual impairment in Hong Kong and beyond, which is aligned with the Government initiative to promote healthcare. 我們發明了一種新技術「ROTA(視網膜神經纖維層光學質地分析)」(美國申請號62/571,559),以增強診斷青光眼和非青光眼性視神經病變的診斷性能。ROTA整合了視網膜神經纖維層(RNFL)的厚度和通過標準光學相干斷層掃描(OCT)掃描獲得的RNFL反射率測量結果,以辨別出各個軸突纖維束。ROTA可檢測早期視神經病變中的局灶性RNFL缺陷,並揭示末期視神經病變中殘留的軸突纖維束,這在傳統的OCT分析或其他臨床研究中均無法辨別。我們的目標是開發人工智能輔助的ROTA(AIROTA),它將(1)ROTA、(2)雲計算和(3)深度學習集成到全球主要的臨床光學相干斷層掃描系統中,以自動化臨床工作流程以進行診斷評估和篩查青光眼和非青光眼視神經病變。
Project/Company Name

AIROTA Diagnostics Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


We invented a new technique, ROTA (Retinal nerve fiber layer Optical Texture Analysis) (US Application No.62/571,559), to augment the diagnostic performance to detect glaucoma and non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies. ROTA integrates retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness and RNFL reflectance measurements obtained with standard optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans to discern individual axonal fiber bundles. ROTA detects focal RNFL defects in early optic neuropathy and reveals residual axonal fiber bundles in end-stage optic neuropathy that are discernible neither in conventional OCT analysis nor other clinical investigations. Our objective is to develop artificial intelligence assisted ROTA (AIROTA), which integrates (1) ROTA, (2) cloud computing, and (3) deep learning into major clinical optical coherence tomography systems worldwide to automate clinical workflow for diagnostic evaluation and screening of glaucoma and non-glaucomatous optic neuropathies. Our business model represents a key strategy for prevention of blindness and visual impairment in Hong Kong and beyond, which is aligned with the Government initiative to promote healthcare. 我們發明了一種新技術「ROTA(視網膜神經纖維層光學質地分析)」(美國申請號62/571,559),以增強診斷青光眼和非青光眼性視神經病變的診斷性能。ROTA整合了視網膜神經纖維層(RNFL)的厚度和通過標準光學相干斷層掃描(OCT)掃描獲得的RNFL反射率測量結果,以辨別出各個軸突纖維束。ROTA可檢測早期視神經病變中的局灶性RNFL缺陷,並揭示末期視神經病變中殘留的軸突纖維束,這在傳統的OCT分析或其他臨床研究中均無法辨別。我們的目標是開發人工智能輔助的ROTA(AIROTA),它將(1)ROTA、(2)雲計算和(3)深度學習集成到全球主要的臨床光學相干斷層掃描系統中,以自動化臨床工作流程以進行診斷評估和篩查青光眼和非青光眼視神經病變。




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TSSSU Company