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Student Startup

Gabi is a high-tech and interactive language learning application which dedicates to provide a systematic language learning experience to children aged 5 to 10. Unlike the other counterparts, our App employ a list of cutting-edge technology encompassing Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machines Learning so on and so forth to offer writing and oral speaking exercises to our target users. Parents and teachers can also manage children’s study pace by checking the performance chart generated by our App automatically by themselves.

2019第5屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽創業計劃 (科技類)三等獎 VCCE 2019 2nd runner up HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme HKSTP Incu-App programme
Project/Company Name


Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Gabi is a high-tech and interactive language learning application which dedicates to provide a systematic language learning experience to children aged 5 to 10. Unlike the other counterparts, our App employ a list of cutting-edge technology encompassing Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machines Learning so on and so forth to offer writing and oral speaking exercises to our target users. Parents and teachers can also manage children’s study pace by checking the performance chart generated by our App automatically by themselves.


2019第5屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽創業計劃 (科技類)三等獎 VCCE 2019 2nd runner up HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme HKSTP Incu-App programme


Starting Year


Business Area



Student Startup