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Project/Company Name

Gnetwork Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Starvikk is an anonymous competition platform for University students in Hong Kong. Where we host various games that allows users to share stories that they won’t tell otherwise on their own social profiles. The platform aims at providing a cycle of social fun, social connection, and social good, where we allow a generation to come together and tell pieces of their lives, while subsidizing game winners to make purchase in local shops. Starvikk為一個為香港大學生而設的匿名比賽平台。我們會舉辦不同範疇的遊戲及題目,從而讓用戶分享他們平時不會在個人社交平台分享的故事。平台希望塑造一個良性循環︰社會樂趣、社會關係及社會公益。以輕鬆的遊戲形式,去凝聚一個世代一起訴說他們的故事,然後再以獎金資助得獎者到本地商戶消費或作公益用途,從而創建一個可以為社會帶來正面影響的社交分享模式。
Project/Company Name

Gnetwork Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Starvikk is an anonymous competition platform for University students in Hong Kong. Where we host various games that allows users to share stories that they won’t tell otherwise on their own social profiles. The platform aims at providing a cycle of social fun, social connection, and social good, where we allow a generation to come together and tell pieces of their lives, while subsidizing game winners to make purchase in local shops. Starvikk為一個為香港大學生而設的匿名比賽平台。我們會舉辦不同範疇的遊戲及題目,從而讓用戶分享他們平時不會在個人社交平台分享的故事。平台希望塑造一個良性循環︰社會樂趣、社會關係及社會公益。以輕鬆的遊戲形式,去凝聚一個世代一起訴說他們的故事,然後再以獎金資助得獎者到本地商戶消費或作公益用途,從而創建一個可以為社會帶來正面影響的社交分享模式。




Starting Year



TSSSU Company