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Project/Company Name

Health View Bioanalytic Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Health View Bioanalytic Limited (HVB) was established in 2015. HVB provides novel technologies, Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) method for health promotion in the general population. Using a fundus photo transferred through internet to the cloud, ARIA can be used at any time anywhere around the world to accurately assess the risk of stroke and other vascular diseases. The technology has obtained US, China and Taiwan patents in 2014 and 2017 respectively. ARIA was developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since the vessels at the back of the eye (retinal) are the only directly visible vessels in the whole body that share similar histological structure and pathological patterns with cerebral vessels, they can potentially provide an estimate of the cardiovascular health. It provides fast and convenient risk assessment for stroke, and benefits general population especially individuals with diabetes and hypertension. Our target users include rehabilitation centers, health centers, optometry shops, large enterprises, community health centers, general practitioners, nursing homes and so on. Its characteristics and advantages include: 1. Fully automatic 2. No need to use professionals to operate 3. Non-invasive 4. No radiation 5. No side effects 6. Fast 7. Convenient 8. Accurate 9. Can be used repeatedly 康訊生物分析有限公司(康訊)於2015年成立,提供先進的科研成果—全自動視網膜圖像分析(ARIA)系統,以一幅眼底相,上載到互聯網,任何國家及時間都能應用,可快速準確地評估中風及多個疾病之風險。ARIA已於2014及2017年獲得美國、中國及臺灣的專利。ARIA技術由香港中文大學研發,因眼底血管與腦部以至全身血管相連且能用肉眼直接透視,能評估整體心血管狀態,為患糖尿病、高血壓及普羅大眾,提供方便快捷的中風風險評估。而且目標用戶十分廣泛,包括復康中心、醫療健康中心、驗光單位、大型企業、社區衛生服務中心、全科醫生、護理院等。 其特點及優勢包括: 1. 全自動 2. 無需使用專業人員操作 3. 非侵入性 4. 無輻射 5. 無副作用 6. 快速 7. 方便 8. 準確 9. 無次數限制。

Project/Company Name

Health View Bioanalytic Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Health View Bioanalytic Limited (HVB) was established in 2015. HVB provides novel technologies, Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) method for health promotion in the general population. Using a fundus photo transferred through internet to the cloud, ARIA can be used at any time anywhere around the world to accurately assess the risk of stroke and other vascular diseases. The technology has obtained US, China and Taiwan patents in 2014 and 2017 respectively. ARIA was developed by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Since the vessels at the back of the eye (retinal) are the only directly visible vessels in the whole body that share similar histological structure and pathological patterns with cerebral vessels, they can potentially provide an estimate of the cardiovascular health. It provides fast and convenient risk assessment for stroke, and benefits general population especially individuals with diabetes and hypertension. Our target users include rehabilitation centers, health centers, optometry shops, large enterprises, community health centers, general practitioners, nursing homes and so on. Its characteristics and advantages include: 1. Fully automatic 2. No need to use professionals to operate 3. Non-invasive 4. No radiation 5. No side effects 6. Fast 7. Convenient 8. Accurate 9. Can be used repeatedly 康訊生物分析有限公司(康訊)於2015年成立,提供先進的科研成果—全自動視網膜圖像分析(ARIA)系統,以一幅眼底相,上載到互聯網,任何國家及時間都能應用,可快速準確地評估中風及多個疾病之風險。ARIA已於2014及2017年獲得美國、中國及臺灣的專利。ARIA技術由香港中文大學研發,因眼底血管與腦部以至全身血管相連且能用肉眼直接透視,能評估整體心血管狀態,為患糖尿病、高血壓及普羅大眾,提供方便快捷的中風風險評估。而且目標用戶十分廣泛,包括復康中心、醫療健康中心、驗光單位、大型企業、社區衛生服務中心、全科醫生、護理院等。 其特點及優勢包括: 1. 全自動 2. 無需使用專業人員操作 3. 非侵入性 4. 無輻射 5. 無副作用 6. 快速 7. 方便 8. 準確 9. 無次數限制。




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TSSSU Company