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Project/Company Name

Hynovel Biotech Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Our product is a novel and unique hydrogel scaffold, named SupGel, for 3D cell culture, which is able to respond to biocompatible external stimulus (such as light and chemicals). Our team have full IP right for this product. Compared with traditional 2D cell culture dishes, SupGel mimics real in vivo environment of cells by providing the 3D hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel scaffold. Compared with existing 3D culture materials (from animal tissue sources) on the market, SupGel as a synthetic material has minimal batch-to-batch variation in composition and is easy-to-customize and cost-effective. The formation and dissolution of SupGel can be easily accomplished to achieve cell encapsulation and release, respectively. SupGel will be highly valuable to researchers working on stem cells/ cancer cells/ organoids/ immune cells and also drug discovery, tissue engineering and even clinical applications. SupGel has a good market potential in research sites like hospitals and diagnostic centers, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutes. 我們的第一代研發產品是一款提供細胞生長增殖的三維環境的新型化敏生物材料SupGel。它是我們自主研發的、能夠響應外界信號(光、化學等)的智能水凝膠產品。與傳統的細胞二維培養相比,SupGel基於透明質酸的三維支架模擬了細胞的體內生長環境,有利細胞的體外增殖和分化,以及對細胞形態、生化功能、遷移和基因表達的研究。此外,該水凝膠僅需通過簡單的操作(短時間光聚合-成膠/加入化學競爭劑-溶膠),即可完成固體與液體之間互相轉變,實現細胞裝載與釋放。市面上現有細胞三維培養材料價格昂貴,SupGel作為合成高分子水凝膠,成本低廉,市場前景廣闊。醫院、學校、生物企業、科研院所等等凡是涉及到細胞研究的科研群體均為SupGel的目標市場。
Project/Company Name

Hynovel Biotech Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Our product is a novel and unique hydrogel scaffold, named SupGel, for 3D cell culture, which is able to respond to biocompatible external stimulus (such as light and chemicals). Our team have full IP right for this product. Compared with traditional 2D cell culture dishes, SupGel mimics real in vivo environment of cells by providing the 3D hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel scaffold. Compared with existing 3D culture materials (from animal tissue sources) on the market, SupGel as a synthetic material has minimal batch-to-batch variation in composition and is easy-to-customize and cost-effective. The formation and dissolution of SupGel can be easily accomplished to achieve cell encapsulation and release, respectively. SupGel will be highly valuable to researchers working on stem cells/ cancer cells/ organoids/ immune cells and also drug discovery, tissue engineering and even clinical applications. SupGel has a good market potential in research sites like hospitals and diagnostic centers, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutes. 我們的第一代研發產品是一款提供細胞生長增殖的三維環境的新型化敏生物材料SupGel。它是我們自主研發的、能夠響應外界信號(光、化學等)的智能水凝膠產品。與傳統的細胞二維培養相比,SupGel基於透明質酸的三維支架模擬了細胞的體內生長環境,有利細胞的體外增殖和分化,以及對細胞形態、生化功能、遷移和基因表達的研究。此外,該水凝膠僅需通過簡單的操作(短時間光聚合-成膠/加入化學競爭劑-溶膠),即可完成固體與液體之間互相轉變,實現細胞裝載與釋放。市面上現有細胞三維培養材料價格昂貴,SupGel作為合成高分子水凝膠,成本低廉,市場前景廣闊。醫院、學校、生物企業、科研院所等等凡是涉及到細胞研究的科研群體均為SupGel的目標市場。


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TSSSU Company