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Project/Company Name

Intelligent Sensing Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Intelligent Sensing Limited is dedicated to developing smart sensing technologies and algorithms to monitor human physiological parameters such as blood pressure (BP), heart rate and heart rate variability, blood oxygen saturation levels (Sp02), stress, etc., thus empowering people to live better lives by providing timely, accurate and personalized information on their health and environment conditions. Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) is one of the most widely occurring public-health challenges in the world, and it is a major modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. We are developing a wearable sensor network device based on patent-pending technology to address the market need for non-invasive and real-time high-accuracy BP measurement, which is essential for diagnosis and prevention of hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. Our first prototype product, DeepBP, is a wristband-like device and it detects depth-sensitive information on blood flow pulsation using multi-wavelength photoplethysmogram (MWPPG) sensors. Based on the extracted pure capillary and arterial pulsation signals and physiological model guided algorithm design, the prototype product offers highly accurate (medical-grade), continuous and real-time (timely), and unobtrusive BP measurement. 智感科技有限公司致力於研發先進的傳感技術和算法,為用戶提供實時,精確,個性化的生理健康數據,提高健康護理效率。 我們的第一代研發產品是醫療級穿戴血壓手環/指環,通過將原創性的傳感器設計與獨創的高精度血壓算法結合,在手指測量即可實現醫療級的高精度連續血壓監測,做到真正“無擾”的連續血壓監測。 該產品使用自主研發的多波長光體積變化描記圖法,通過探測皮膚不同深度的生理信號,提取出人體心血管的特徵參數,計算出每一博心跳周期的血壓值。 無擾式(無袖帶)連續血壓監測能為高血壓,心臟病等突發性心血管疾病作出預警和風險評估,尤其適合於中風,猝死等癥狀高發的夜間睡眠狀態下的連續血壓監測,為個性化精準醫療提供參考數據。

Project/Company Name

Intelligent Sensing Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Intelligent Sensing Limited is dedicated to developing smart sensing technologies and algorithms to monitor human physiological parameters such as blood pressure (BP), heart rate and heart rate variability, blood oxygen saturation levels (Sp02), stress, etc., thus empowering people to live better lives by providing timely, accurate and personalized information on their health and environment conditions. Hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) is one of the most widely occurring public-health challenges in the world, and it is a major modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. We are developing a wearable sensor network device based on patent-pending technology to address the market need for non-invasive and real-time high-accuracy BP measurement, which is essential for diagnosis and prevention of hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. Our first prototype product, DeepBP, is a wristband-like device and it detects depth-sensitive information on blood flow pulsation using multi-wavelength photoplethysmogram (MWPPG) sensors. Based on the extracted pure capillary and arterial pulsation signals and physiological model guided algorithm design, the prototype product offers highly accurate (medical-grade), continuous and real-time (timely), and unobtrusive BP measurement. 智感科技有限公司致力於研發先進的傳感技術和算法,為用戶提供實時,精確,個性化的生理健康數據,提高健康護理效率。 我們的第一代研發產品是醫療級穿戴血壓手環/指環,通過將原創性的傳感器設計與獨創的高精度血壓算法結合,在手指測量即可實現醫療級的高精度連續血壓監測,做到真正“無擾”的連續血壓監測。 該產品使用自主研發的多波長光體積變化描記圖法,通過探測皮膚不同深度的生理信號,提取出人體心血管的特徵參數,計算出每一博心跳周期的血壓值。 無擾式(無袖帶)連續血壓監測能為高血壓,心臟病等突發性心血管疾病作出預警和風險評估,尤其適合於中風,猝死等癥狀高發的夜間睡眠狀態下的連續血壓監測,為個性化精準醫療提供參考數據。




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TSSSU Company