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Project/Company Name

Ketone Breathalyzer (King's Phase Technologies)

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Student Startup

King's Phase Technologies is currently focused on sensing ketone bodies which means understanding the human fat burning rate and risk of ketoacidosis. Our semiconductor ketone gas sensor provides ketone sensing capability in the range of part per billion range which is over 1000X more sensitive than currently existing products. When a person starts to burn more fat the breath ketone concentration would increase. A person seeing instant positive results is a motivated person.

2019第5屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽生命科學優異獎 HKSEC 2020-21 Finalist (Top 8) HKSEC 2020-21 Social Ambassador IP Award YDAHK The Youth Novation 2020 Startup Competition - Top 8 HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme HKSTP Incu-Tech programme
Project/Company Name

Ketone Breathalyzer (King's Phase Technologies)

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


King's Phase Technologies is currently focused on sensing ketone bodies which means understanding the human fat burning rate and risk of ketoacidosis. Our semiconductor ketone gas sensor provides ketone sensing capability in the range of part per billion range which is over 1000X more sensitive than currently existing products. When a person starts to burn more fat the breath ketone concentration would increase. A person seeing instant positive results is a motivated person.


2019第5屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽生命科學優異獎 HKSEC 2020-21 Finalist (Top 8) HKSEC 2020-21 Social Ambassador IP Award YDAHK The Youth Novation 2020 Startup Competition - Top 8 HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme HKSTP Incu-Tech programme


Starting Year


Business Area



Student Startup