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Project/Company Name

LaSense Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

LaSense Technology Limited is a start-up company based on the original intellectual properties generated from Laser Diagnostics Laboratory at CUHK. Air pollution is becoming a major challenge faced by the entire society, but the existing gas sensors have limited capabilities to cost-effectively, consistently, and precisely quantify different types of air pollutants. The mission of LaSense is to provide ultra-sensitive gas sensing and control systems to meet the urgent need of real-time and online chemical analysis using the advanced laser spectroscopic technology combined with artificial intelligence. LaSense is a pioneer to advance the lab-based high-precision spectroscopic system to the revolutionary industrial level, which fills the gap in online gas sensing and automatic process control for a wide variety of applications. 朗思(LaSense)是以香港中文大學激光診斷實驗室的自主知識產權為基礎建立的一家高精度傳感數據服務初創公司,坐落於香港科學園及深圳市前海深港合作區。朗思團隊利用最新世界領先的融合型激光光譜技術,結合人工智能算法,為能源、環境、醫療等行業的企業客戶打造了一系列超高靈敏度氣體傳感器,為客戶提供超高靈敏多組分氣體檢測解決方案,極大提升企業生產效率和安全性。

Project/Company Name

LaSense Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


LaSense Technology Limited is a start-up company based on the original intellectual properties generated from Laser Diagnostics Laboratory at CUHK. Air pollution is becoming a major challenge faced by the entire society, but the existing gas sensors have limited capabilities to cost-effectively, consistently, and precisely quantify different types of air pollutants. The mission of LaSense is to provide ultra-sensitive gas sensing and control systems to meet the urgent need of real-time and online chemical analysis using the advanced laser spectroscopic technology combined with artificial intelligence. LaSense is a pioneer to advance the lab-based high-precision spectroscopic system to the revolutionary industrial level, which fills the gap in online gas sensing and automatic process control for a wide variety of applications. 朗思(LaSense)是以香港中文大學激光診斷實驗室的自主知識產權為基礎建立的一家高精度傳感數據服務初創公司,坐落於香港科學園及深圳市前海深港合作區。朗思團隊利用最新世界領先的融合型激光光譜技術,結合人工智能算法,為能源、環境、醫療等行業的企業客戶打造了一系列超高靈敏度氣體傳感器,為客戶提供超高靈敏多組分氣體檢測解決方案,極大提升企業生產效率和安全性。




Starting Year



TSSSU Company