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Project/Company Name

LOOP Sports Technology Company Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Leveraging IoT and datatechnology, Loop Sports Technology aims to make professional physical fitness training accessible by the general public. We provide training session management solution to fitness coaches, enabling them to execute their sessions and manage the crew on mobile device. By adapting our solution, most of the repetitive manual work of a training session will be eliminated, and most importantly, our coaches can assess the performance of each of his/her members in a scientific manner, as the training session is now digitized. Our primary clients are secondary schools. Our service covers strength & conditioning and indoor rowing. 樂普體育科技應用物聯網及數據技術,致力普及專業體適能訓練,使普羅大眾都能夠獲益與專業。 我們為教練們提供了一套訓練管理的解決方案,使教練們通過移動端控制及管理他們的隊員及訓練課的表現。我們的解決方案能大大的減輕教練日常的重複性工作。而通過線下訓練、線上的管理的模式,教練能更準確的把握隊員的進度,從而提供更科學的訓練。 我們一階段的目標客戶為中學學校,我們提供室內賽艇項目及體適能項目的管理。
Project/Company Name

LOOP Sports Technology Company Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Leveraging IoT and datatechnology, Loop Sports Technology aims to make professional physical fitness training accessible by the general public. We provide training session management solution to fitness coaches, enabling them to execute their sessions and manage the crew on mobile device. By adapting our solution, most of the repetitive manual work of a training session will be eliminated, and most importantly, our coaches can assess the performance of each of his/her members in a scientific manner, as the training session is now digitized. Our primary clients are secondary schools. Our service covers strength & conditioning and indoor rowing. 樂普體育科技應用物聯網及數據技術,致力普及專業體適能訓練,使普羅大眾都能夠獲益與專業。 我們為教練們提供了一套訓練管理的解決方案,使教練們通過移動端控制及管理他們的隊員及訓練課的表現。我們的解決方案能大大的減輕教練日常的重複性工作。而通過線下訓練、線上的管理的模式,教練能更準確的把握隊員的進度,從而提供更科學的訓練。 我們一階段的目標客戶為中學學校,我們提供室內賽艇項目及體適能項目的管理。


Starting Year


Business Area



TSSSU Company