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Project/Company Name

Mushroom-X Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Mushroom-X is committed to bringing humanity's needs in balance with the resources of our planet. With deep understanding of mushroom, genetics, and related technology, we develop germplasm bank to establish a fungi culture stock. We develop automated climate-smart farming system to practice precision agriculture. We select species based on DNA sequencing and specific nutritional value to produce food products, medicine, and materials from fungi. We provide expertise and R&D service for developing mushroom treated waste and mushroom authentication approach. We develop our technology platform with the deploy of intellectual property via the licensing or technology transfer from the university. We are unleashing the potential of mushroom to address the world problem of food security and safety. We apply technology “from gene to table" for the next economy and develop our core technology platform to ensure the food supply and quality for the globe. Mushroom-X Limited 是一家致力於開發菇菌技術和可持續發展意識科創企業。Mushroom-X 以菇菌種植及生物技術為基礎,致力研發氣候智能種植系統,鼓勵本地農業及菇菌食用,開發新食品及應用具非食用價值的新材料,從基因到餐桌致力為「中國人的糧食安全和食品安全」出一分力,同時減緩氣候變化及推廣可持續發展。 Mushroom-X 希望通過創新菇菌食材及技術、舉辦創意教育工作坊,提高公眾可持續發展的意識。
Project/Company Name

Mushroom-X Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Mushroom-X is committed to bringing humanity's needs in balance with the resources of our planet. With deep understanding of mushroom, genetics, and related technology, we develop germplasm bank to establish a fungi culture stock. We develop automated climate-smart farming system to practice precision agriculture. We select species based on DNA sequencing and specific nutritional value to produce food products, medicine, and materials from fungi. We provide expertise and R&D service for developing mushroom treated waste and mushroom authentication approach. We develop our technology platform with the deploy of intellectual property via the licensing or technology transfer from the university. We are unleashing the potential of mushroom to address the world problem of food security and safety. We apply technology “from gene to table" for the next economy and develop our core technology platform to ensure the food supply and quality for the globe. Mushroom-X Limited 是一家致力於開發菇菌技術和可持續發展意識科創企業。Mushroom-X 以菇菌種植及生物技術為基礎,致力研發氣候智能種植系統,鼓勵本地農業及菇菌食用,開發新食品及應用具非食用價值的新材料,從基因到餐桌致力為「中國人的糧食安全和食品安全」出一分力,同時減緩氣候變化及推廣可持續發展。 Mushroom-X 希望通過創新菇菌食材及技術、舉辦創意教育工作坊,提高公眾可持續發展的意識。


Starting Year


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TSSSU Company