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Project/Company Name

Pureform Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

Pureform Technology is dedicated to empowering people in their pursuit of their better selves through sports training. Specifically, we are dedicated to helping people train themselves in running through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. We utilize results from decades of biomechanics and neuroscience research, combined with cutting-edge machine-learning algorithms, to produce smart sensors for use during training. We integrate a wide range of physiological data collected through the sensors using intelligent coaching algorithm. We provide real-time coaching feedback, full breakdown of running form, training program planning, and most importantly, motivation. Our training algorithm integrates sensor data to give around-the-clock personalized feedback and motivation to both prevent injury and improve running performance. We are an AI-driven, personalized running coach that is there for our customers every step of the way. 起動科技研發的跑步腳環利用研究團隊研發的生物反饋和機器學習算法,能準確量度包括落地力度,衝力, 效率等13項生物力學參數。同時比對現有數據庫, 提供個人化的訓練建議和生物反饋。我們的核心科技經臨床研究證實能夠減低跑步受傷風險62% 。

Project/Company Name

Pureform Technology Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Pureform Technology is dedicated to empowering people in their pursuit of their better selves through sports training. Specifically, we are dedicated to helping people train themselves in running through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. We utilize results from decades of biomechanics and neuroscience research, combined with cutting-edge machine-learning algorithms, to produce smart sensors for use during training. We integrate a wide range of physiological data collected through the sensors using intelligent coaching algorithm. We provide real-time coaching feedback, full breakdown of running form, training program planning, and most importantly, motivation. Our training algorithm integrates sensor data to give around-the-clock personalized feedback and motivation to both prevent injury and improve running performance. We are an AI-driven, personalized running coach that is there for our customers every step of the way. 起動科技研發的跑步腳環利用研究團隊研發的生物反饋和機器學習算法,能準確量度包括落地力度,衝力, 效率等13項生物力學參數。同時比對現有數據庫, 提供個人化的訓練建議和生物反饋。我們的核心科技經臨床研究證實能夠減低跑步受傷風險62% 。




Starting Year



TSSSU Company