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Project/Company Name


Project Leader

Mr. HO Tsz Hin

Source of Funding/Programme

App Development, Lifestyle

Social Enterprise

Mr. TONG Ka Wai

ReadingList is an application that helps self-learners manage their reading list and discover useful learning materials. ReadingList is defined by two parts: the reading (note: ‘reading’ can be a text, audio, video...) manager part and the content platform part, while the two are interconnected with each other. As a reading manager, the app allows people to quickly save any readings they find interesting on any channels that they don’t have time to finish. The app will automatically schedule a deadline for this reading and provide progress tracking function along with statistics. As a content platform, users will get personalised reading recommendations based on their demographics and learning level on a certain subject, while the recommended reading pool is essentially provided by the other user learning the same subject. This means the content platform part is premised on the first part, making the platform more organically sustainable.
Project/Company Name


Project Leader

Mr. HO Tsz Hin

Source of Funding/Programme


ReadingList is an application that helps self-learners manage their reading list and discover useful learning materials. ReadingList is defined by two parts: the reading (note: ‘reading’ can be a text, audio, video...) manager part and the content platform part, while the two are interconnected with each other. As a reading manager, the app allows people to quickly save any readings they find interesting on any channels that they don’t have time to finish. The app will automatically schedule a deadline for this reading and provide progress tracking function along with statistics. As a content platform, users will get personalised reading recommendations based on their demographics and learning level on a certain subject, while the recommended reading pool is essentially provided by the other user learning the same subject. This means the content platform part is premised on the first part, making the platform more organically sustainable.

Starting Year


Business Area

App Development, Lifestyle


Social Enterprise

Team Members

Mr. TONG Ka Wai