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Project/Company Name

SicureLabs Company Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

SicureLabs Co., Ltd. is a company devoted to providing verification tools and solutions for security-sensitive electronic products. Our mission is to help our customers to validate the security features of their designs at the front end to reduce time-to-market and rework cost. The first product of SicureLabs, namely FIASim, is an efficient and effective emulation tool to verify security under fault-injection attack (FIA) at design stage. To be specific, FIASim contains two tools which are used for logic circuit and memory, respectively. We target on two kinds of customers, the security-related integrated circuit (IC) design companies as well as research institutes and universities. In the first three to four years, we will try to occupy mainland market with our current contact resource, and after that gradually extend our sales to East Asia and other markets in the world.
Sicurelabs是一家致力於為電子產品提供安全驗證的工具和服務的公司。我們的目標是幫助客戶在前期驗證設計的安全特性,從而加速產品的上市時間。Sicurelabs 的第一款產品叫FIASim。它是一款高速且高效的驗證錯誤注入攻擊的工具。具體來說,FIASim 包括兩個工具,分別用於邏輯電路和存儲電路的安全驗證。SicureLabs主要針對兩類用戶,安全相關的芯片設計公司和科研機構及大學。在開始的3至4年,我們計劃利用我們現有的資源先進入中國大陸市場,之後再逐漸將市場延伸至東亞和其他國家。
Project/Company Name

SicureLabs Company Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


SicureLabs Co., Ltd. is a company devoted to providing verification tools and solutions for security-sensitive electronic products. Our mission is to help our customers to validate the security features of their designs at the front end to reduce time-to-market and rework cost. The first product of SicureLabs, namely FIASim, is an efficient and effective emulation tool to verify security under fault-injection attack (FIA) at design stage. To be specific, FIASim contains two tools which are used for logic circuit and memory, respectively. We target on two kinds of customers, the security-related integrated circuit (IC) design companies as well as research institutes and universities. In the first three to four years, we will try to occupy mainland market with our current contact resource, and after that gradually extend our sales to East Asia and other markets in the world.
Sicurelabs是一家致力於為電子產品提供安全驗證的工具和服務的公司。我們的目標是幫助客戶在前期驗證設計的安全特性,從而加速產品的上市時間。Sicurelabs 的第一款產品叫FIASim。它是一款高速且高效的驗證錯誤注入攻擊的工具。具體來說,FIASim 包括兩個工具,分別用於邏輯電路和存儲電路的安全驗證。SicureLabs主要針對兩類用戶,安全相關的芯片設計公司和科研機構及大學。在開始的3至4年,我們計劃利用我們現有的資源先進入中國大陸市場,之後再逐漸將市場延伸至東亞和其他國家。

Starting Year



TSSSU Company