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Project/Company Name

Sucabot MedTech International Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

CuttingEdge Medtech Limited's mission is to be an excellent planning and navigation system solution provider. After 1 year's hard work, the 2.0 version of planning system has accomplished and done 5 clinical trials at Prince of Wales Hospital. Besides, we also finished the coding, UI design, mechanical design and prototype for navigation software.
鋒沿醫療科技有限公司致力於成為卓越的神經外科手術計畫與導航設備供應商。在成立至今的一年多時間裡,我們一直朝著這個方向努力。2.0版本的神經外科手術計畫軟體已經研發完成,其中包括像融合模組、功能磁共振處理模組、彌散張量成像處理模組、病灶分割模組、入顱路徑設計模組,現在正在香港威爾斯親王醫院進行臨床調試並已完成5例臨床對比測試。手術導航系統的代碼編寫、UI 設計、外觀設計與打樣已完成。

Project/Company Name

Sucabot MedTech International Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


CuttingEdge Medtech Limited's mission is to be an excellent planning and navigation system solution provider. After 1 year's hard work, the 2.0 version of planning system has accomplished and done 5 clinical trials at Prince of Wales Hospital. Besides, we also finished the coding, UI design, mechanical design and prototype for navigation software.
鋒沿醫療科技有限公司致力於成為卓越的神經外科手術計畫與導航設備供應商。在成立至今的一年多時間裡,我們一直朝著這個方向努力。2.0版本的神經外科手術計畫軟體已經研發完成,其中包括像融合模組、功能磁共振處理模組、彌散張量成像處理模組、病灶分割模組、入顱路徑設計模組,現在正在香港威爾斯親王醫院進行臨床調試並已完成5例臨床對比測試。手術導航系統的代碼編寫、UI 設計、外觀設計與打樣已完成。



Starting Year


Business Area



TSSSU Company