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Project/Company Name

VisionNav Robotics Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

TSSSU Company

VisionNav Robotics Limited is a high-tech company established by a group of graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to develop and market advanced robotics and automation technology for improving the quality and productivity of manufacturing and service industries. In particular, its intelligent forklift automatic guided vehicle (AGV) can replace manually operated forklift trucks to perform various transporting tasks in natural environments such as factories, warehouses, etc. The high labour cost in Hong Kong provides AGV with good market potential. 未來機器人有限公司由一群香港中文大學的畢業生創辦的一家高科技公司,業務集中於研發及銷售先進的機器人及自動化科技,以提升製造及服務業的質素和生產力。由該公司發展的智能自動導向叉車可以代替人手操作的叉車,在工廠、貨倉等環境進行不同的運輸工作。香港勞工成本高昂的情況,令智能自動導向車輛的市場需求殷切。

Project/Company Name

VisionNav Robotics Limited

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


VisionNav Robotics Limited is a high-tech company established by a group of graduates of the Chinese University of Hong Kong to develop and market advanced robotics and automation technology for improving the quality and productivity of manufacturing and service industries. In particular, its intelligent forklift automatic guided vehicle (AGV) can replace manually operated forklift trucks to perform various transporting tasks in natural environments such as factories, warehouses, etc. The high labour cost in Hong Kong provides AGV with good market potential. 未來機器人有限公司由一群香港中文大學的畢業生創辦的一家高科技公司,業務集中於研發及銷售先進的機器人及自動化科技,以提升製造及服務業的質素和生產力。由該公司發展的智能自動導向叉車可以代替人手操作的叉車,在工廠、貨倉等環境進行不同的運輸工作。香港勞工成本高昂的情況,令智能自動導向車輛的市場需求殷切。




Starting Year



TSSSU Company