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Project/Company Name

Zygote Morphokinetic Predictor (ZMP)

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme

Healthcare: Diagnostic

Student Startup

Infertility is a serious trend worldwide. In Hong Kong, one out of six couples suffer from infertility. Assisted reproductive technology is so far the best approach for infertility treatment, and the selection of high developmental potential embryo and appropriate transfer scheme is the key to success. However, the embryo selection method has no more than human naked eye identification. Our service is a cloud service platform consisting of zygote morphokinetic parameters segmentation algorithm, early blastocyst formation prediction model and combined selection system. We serve the Assisted reproductive technology (ART) centres by predicting blastocyst formation potential and implantation potential of the embryo as well as the mid-stream research institutions and companies by breaking the technical bottleneck with our advanced and unique technology.

HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme Entered TSSSU (CUHK)
Project/Company Name

Zygote Morphokinetic Predictor (ZMP)

Project Leader

Source of Funding/Programme


Infertility is a serious trend worldwide. In Hong Kong, one out of six couples suffer from infertility. Assisted reproductive technology is so far the best approach for infertility treatment, and the selection of high developmental potential embryo and appropriate transfer scheme is the key to success. However, the embryo selection method has no more than human naked eye identification. Our service is a cloud service platform consisting of zygote morphokinetic parameters segmentation algorithm, early blastocyst formation prediction model and combined selection system. We serve the Assisted reproductive technology (ART) centres by predicting blastocyst formation potential and implantation potential of the embryo as well as the mid-stream research institutions and companies by breaking the technical bottleneck with our advanced and unique technology.


HKSTP STEP Pre-Incubation programme Entered TSSSU (CUHK)


Starting Year


Business Area

Healthcare: Diagnostic


Student Startup