CURe Pain: Relieve pain, Restore function, Renew hope
Prof LING Ka Kin Samuel
CURe Pain: Relieve pain, Restore function, Renew hope
Prof LING Ka Kin Samuel
Musculoskeletal pain is a huge social economical burden accounting for >50% of all long-term disabilities. Treatment in the private sector is expensive while waiting times for in the public hospitals are typically >1 year.
Musculoskeletal exercises can be an effective means to alleviate musculoskeletal pain. At CUHK, we have the expertise to provide accurate and evidence based educational materials that teach self-exercise and stretching. We will create an integrated smartphone application with a series of bite-sized, region-specific exercises to empower the patient to regain their quality of life.
Relieve pain, Restore function, Renew hope Relieve Pain: Many patients are tortured by chronic long-standing pain. Muscle exercises are an effective tool to reduce musculoskeletal pain but access to reliable and proper training is limited. Our app can provide this verified information to kick-start the rehabilitation process in these patients. Restore function: Musculoskeletal problems cause >50% of disabilities in the adult population. Our app can help restore function some of these disabilities, allowing more people to return to the workforce or re-integrate into their community in functional roles such as caring for their children/grandchildren. Renew hope: The psychological aspects of pain should not be overlooked, suffers of chronic musculoskeletal pain are often dysphoric and depressed. Their pain limits their physical function which can potentiate their psychological distress. We hope that our app can help alleviate their physical limitations, and break the cycle of psychological misery.
Patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain
Healthcare, Well-being