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Project/Company Name

A Concept Musical Drama on End-of-life Care and Death Attitudes in Hong Kong

Project Leader

Prof CHUNG Yat Nork Roger

Source of Funding/Programme

Active Ageing, Well-being

The matter of life and death is valid to all people regardless of their age. Death as a being a taboo subject in our culture prevent many from having an open discussion about the inevitable end of our being. However, the less we adequately discuss death and end-of-life issues, the more anxious and uncertain we feel towards what is to come when the end of life draws near. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings towards quality end-of-life care among the general public in Hong Kong, for instances the procedures of filing reportable deaths, and prerequisites of ageing and dying at home. There is an imminent need for effective and innovative way to overcome this cultural barrier for life and death education.

The team employs a unique approach with their multidisciplinary expertise — to develop a concept musical drama. Creative work has artistic, cultural and entertainment values to keep the audience interested enough to learn about death-related knowledge, which may otherwise be disregarded or avoided. In particular, the team is focusing on knowledge not readily acquired from daily life situations, but is only learnt when we come face to face to life and death matters. Screenplay, music and lyrics are all based on true stories of recruited end-of-life patients and family members, who are invited back as audience of the performance. Themes such as what it means to experience a “good finale” and how to cope with losing a loved one are explored. The team is here to debunk common misconceptions towards death-related matters.

Through entertainment, the team leads the audience into confronting death-related issues and embracing the concept of quality end-of-life care, cultivating a positive perception and attitude towards death. In the next phase, the team will move onto stage production and create an original soundtrack that rings in the audience’s ears – along with the message it is carrying across.

– 10 end-of-life patients– 20 family members of end-of-life patients– 12000-15000 audience of the performances

Project/Company Name

A Concept Musical Drama on End-of-life Care and Death Attitudes in Hong Kong

Project Leader

Prof CHUNG Yat Nork Roger

Source of Funding/Programme


The matter of life and death is valid to all people regardless of their age. Death as a being a taboo subject in our culture prevent many from having an open discussion about the inevitable end of our being. However, the less we adequately discuss death and end-of-life issues, the more anxious and uncertain we feel towards what is to come when the end of life draws near. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings towards quality end-of-life care among the general public in Hong Kong, for instances the procedures of filing reportable deaths, and prerequisites of ageing and dying at home. There is an imminent need for effective and innovative way to overcome this cultural barrier for life and death education.


The team employs a unique approach with their multidisciplinary expertise — to develop a concept musical drama. Creative work has artistic, cultural and entertainment values to keep the audience interested enough to learn about death-related knowledge, which may otherwise be disregarded or avoided. In particular, the team is focusing on knowledge not readily acquired from daily life situations, but is only learnt when we come face to face to life and death matters. Screenplay, music and lyrics are all based on true stories of recruited end-of-life patients and family members, who are invited back as audience of the performance. Themes such as what it means to experience a “good finale” and how to cope with losing a loved one are explored. The team is here to debunk common misconceptions towards death-related matters.


Through entertainment, the team leads the audience into confronting death-related issues and embracing the concept of quality end-of-life care, cultivating a positive perception and attitude towards death. In the next phase, the team will move onto stage production and create an original soundtrack that rings in the audience’s ears – along with the message it is carrying across.


– 10 end-of-life patients– 20 family members of end-of-life patients– 12000-15000 audience of the performances

Starting Year


Business Area

Active Ageing, Well-being