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Project/Company Name

Knowledge transfer of the advanced morphokinetic analysis on embryos’ developmental potential in in vitro fertilization

Project Leader

Prof CHAN Yiu Leung

Source of Funding/Programme

Healthcare, MedTech

The birth rate in Hong Kong is declining, one out of six couples faces difficulty conceiving, and there are over 10,000 pairs of them seeking In vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment each year in Hong Kong. IVFrequires the ex vivo manipulation of both eggs and sperm from the couple to be put into an incubator after the fertilization. This is a time-consuming and costly treatment, and the outcome is not always satisfying. An embryo to be transferred on day 3, the live birth rate is around 28%; the rate will be raised to 42% if the embryo is grown into a blastocyst on day 5. It is, however, blastocyst culture will increase the chance of embryo arrest leading to obtain lower amount or even no embryo transfer.IVF practitioners have always found themselves in a constant dilemma of determining the best timing for embryo transfer, which is crucial to the rate of successful conception.

Embryologists are trained to use their naked eyes to observe the form and structure change of an embryo under the microscope and assess its developmental potential based on experience. With the advance in the time-lapse imaging system, morphokinetic information is available to unveil the secret of embryo growth, but current assessment method lacks the capacity to interpret this information. Our team has been investigating the application of artificial intelligence in the study of zygote morphology standardization and segmentation. We invented a novel algorithm to analyse images of fertilized eggs and then applied it to predict the blastocyst formation rate, this is the foundation of our ZMP platform. This novel prediction platform can provide additional insight concerning the embryonic development. It will be able to provide a better arrangement of a treatment plan which will lead to a higher successful transfer rate.

The goal of this project is to update the IVF doctors, embryologists, and patients about the advanced morphokinetic analysis on embryos’ developmental potential through a series of educational events and demonstrate the potential of the technology by providing the ZMP service. Our team aims to incorporate the technology with the current embryo assessment method, thus enhancing embryo selection efficiency and the rate of successful conception.

-Couples suffer from infertility

- IVF doctors and embryologists


Project/Company Name

Knowledge transfer of the advanced morphokinetic analysis on embryos’ developmental potential in in vitro fertilization

Project Leader

Prof CHAN Yiu Leung

Source of Funding/Programme


The birth rate in Hong Kong is declining, one out of six couples faces difficulty conceiving, and there are over 10,000 pairs of them seeking In vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment each year in Hong Kong. IVFrequires the ex vivo manipulation of both eggs and sperm from the couple to be put into an incubator after the fertilization. This is a time-consuming and costly treatment, and the outcome is not always satisfying. An embryo to be transferred on day 3, the live birth rate is around 28%; the rate will be raised to 42% if the embryo is grown into a blastocyst on day 5. It is, however, blastocyst culture will increase the chance of embryo arrest leading to obtain lower amount or even no embryo transfer.IVF practitioners have always found themselves in a constant dilemma of determining the best timing for embryo transfer, which is crucial to the rate of successful conception.


Embryologists are trained to use their naked eyes to observe the form and structure change of an embryo under the microscope and assess its developmental potential based on experience. With the advance in the time-lapse imaging system, morphokinetic information is available to unveil the secret of embryo growth, but current assessment method lacks the capacity to interpret this information. Our team has been investigating the application of artificial intelligence in the study of zygote morphology standardization and segmentation. We invented a novel algorithm to analyse images of fertilized eggs and then applied it to predict the blastocyst formation rate, this is the foundation of our ZMP platform. This novel prediction platform can provide additional insight concerning the embryonic development. It will be able to provide a better arrangement of a treatment plan which will lead to a higher successful transfer rate.


The goal of this project is to update the IVF doctors, embryologists, and patients about the advanced morphokinetic analysis on embryos’ developmental potential through a series of educational events and demonstrate the potential of the technology by providing the ZMP service. Our team aims to incorporate the technology with the current embryo assessment method, thus enhancing embryo selection efficiency and the rate of successful conception.


-Couples suffer from infertility

- IVF doctors and embryologists


Starting Year


Business Area

Healthcare, MedTech