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Project/Company Name

Start-up Space for Aspiring Musician: connecting culture and urban space through resource matching platform

Project Leader

Prof YIU Hoi Lam Melody

Source of Funding/Programme


The world-famous artists and musicians performing in Hong Kong every year have inspired many young people to beThe world-famous artists and musicians performing in Hong Kong every year have inspired many young people to beinterested in musical performance. However, while they take it as an extracurricular or leisure activity, pursuing aprofessional music career is a much harder path, especially in the start-up stage. Significant effort has been put into bringingworld-class performances, yet emerging artists are less supported in opportunity and space of public performance,which is a critical barrier to young musicians needing exposure and experience to grow. The compact urban condition in Hong Kong consists of a wide spectrum of urban spaces for public use, but they are usuallydesigned as generic places and underutilised. These types of spaces, many owned by private developers, are valuableresources that can support artistic performances and enrich the community's cultural life. However, property owners lacksincentives to allocate space for young performers due to undefined corporate benefits and limitedorganisational channels and capacity.

This project aims to achieve local cultural development goals by creating a platform that links emerging musicians' needsThis project aims to achieve local cultural development goals by creating a platform that links emerging musicians' needsand the potential resources of privately owned public space. The project team will curate and organise a "classical musichighlights" program and, through tactical design strategies, transform underutilised privately-owned public spaces forperformance use. The project is designed with an impact-driven mindset and well-defined outcomes, which will be managedthroughout the implementation stage to visualise social impact in a tangible way that will incentivise property owners andcreate mutual benefit for participating stakeholders.

The immediate beneficiaries of the project will be emerging artists and property owners, working towards long-term impact to support cultural development and the creativeindustry in Hong Kong.

- Young musicians (30-90)
- Property owners (3)
- General public (3000)

Project/Company Name

Start-up Space for Aspiring Musician: connecting culture and urban space through resource matching platform

Project Leader

Prof YIU Hoi Lam Melody

Source of Funding/Programme


The world-famous artists and musicians performing in Hong Kong every year have inspired many young people to beThe world-famous artists and musicians performing in Hong Kong every year have inspired many young people to beinterested in musical performance. However, while they take it as an extracurricular or leisure activity, pursuing aprofessional music career is a much harder path, especially in the start-up stage. Significant effort has been put into bringingworld-class performances, yet emerging artists are less supported in opportunity and space of public performance,which is a critical barrier to young musicians needing exposure and experience to grow. The compact urban condition in Hong Kong consists of a wide spectrum of urban spaces for public use, but they are usuallydesigned as generic places and underutilised. These types of spaces, many owned by private developers, are valuableresources that can support artistic performances and enrich the community's cultural life. However, property owners lacksincentives to allocate space for young performers due to undefined corporate benefits and limitedorganisational channels and capacity.


This project aims to achieve local cultural development goals by creating a platform that links emerging musicians' needsThis project aims to achieve local cultural development goals by creating a platform that links emerging musicians' needsand the potential resources of privately owned public space. The project team will curate and organise a "classical musichighlights" program and, through tactical design strategies, transform underutilised privately-owned public spaces forperformance use. The project is designed with an impact-driven mindset and well-defined outcomes, which will be managedthroughout the implementation stage to visualise social impact in a tangible way that will incentivise property owners andcreate mutual benefit for participating stakeholders.


The immediate beneficiaries of the project will be emerging artists and property owners, working towards long-term impact to support cultural development and the creativeindustry in Hong Kong.


- Young musicians (30-90)
- Property owners (3)
- General public (3000)

Starting Year


Business Area
