Event Highlight | Innovation Day

DSCF0592Photo (1): A group photo of representatives from CUHK and the government (from left to right): Professor Benny Zee, Director of CUHK’s Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, Professor Alan K.L. Chan, CUHK’s Provost, Professor Sun Dong, the Hong Kong government’s Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor John Y. Chai, Chairman of the CUHK Council, and Professor Sham Mai-har, CUHK’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor.(Photo: ORKTS) 

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the 2nd Innovation Day cum Elevator Pitch Competition today (28 October), demonstrating the excellent research results that can come from industry-university research collaboration, and promoting the development of an innovation ecosystem on campus. This year, a range of innovative research projects from CUHK scholars were displayed at the exhibition, alongside a series of thematic talks. Teams also competed for awards in the inaugural Elevator Pitch Competition.

Officiating guests at the opening ceremony were Professor Sun Dong, the Hong Kong government’s Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor John Y. Chai, Chairman of the CUHK Council, Professor Alan K.L. Chan, CUHK’s Provost, Professor Sham Mai-har, CUHK’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Professor Benny Zee, Director of CUHK’s Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services.

CUHK is committed to accelerating innovative scientific research and encouraging the University’s researchers to create positive social impact through knowledge transfer. Professor Alan K.L. Chan remarked, “I am delighted to learn from the Chief Executives’ latest Policy Address that a number of new policies will be implemented to support the development of Hong Kong’s higher education and innovation and technology (I&T) industries, including attracting top-notch I&T talents to Hong Kong, as well as allocating more funding to support prospective research and development (R&D) teams in universities to set up I&T start-ups, making it possible for our talents to transform, realise and commercialise their R&D outcomes. With the implementation of the new measures, we are confident that CUHK’s strength in innovation and technology can be further consolidated and can continue to provide vigorous support to our city’s transformation into an international I&T hub.”

This year, 24 booths showcased innovative projects from 6 CUHK InnoHK Centres and 17 companies funded by the CUHK Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) and others, including a UV-resistant material that could be developed into sun protection factor boosters, a baby breathing monitor and fall risk management system that employs AI, a wearable sensor that can be used for sports rehabilitation assessment, and other research projects on antimicrobial drugs, RNA-based therapeutics for cancer, medical robots, gas sensing and analysis, battery energy storage and microbiology.

In response to the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Climate Action Plan 2050 adopted by the government, CUHK scholars from various fields delivered nine thematic sessions and one keynote talk spanning vaccinology, microelectronics and carbon neutrality, demonstrating the fruitful results of the University’s scientific research.

The first Elevator Pitch Competition was also held this year. 13 TSSSU-funded companies competed for four awards, delivering two-minute pitches that introduced their latest research projects. Ynno Med Limited, founded by Professor Yang Xiao, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine won the championship.

Professor Sham Mai-har said, “I would like to express my sincere appreciation to our judges for choosing the best winner from all our outstanding contestants in the Elevator Pitch Competition. I am glad to witness the development of CUHK technology start-ups, which translate our research and knowledge into tangible societal impacts. CUHK will continue to drive innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives to create value and benefit society.”


HA Symposium

Photo (2): The innovation exhibition displays scientific research from CUHK InnoHK Centres and TSSSU-funded companies. (Photo: ORKTS)

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Photo (3): Sun Dong,Prof. John Chai, Prof. Sham were experiencing the CUHK startups exhibition (Photo: ORKTS)


HA Symposium

Photo (4): Professor Alan K.L. Chan, CUHK’s Provost, delivers a speech.(Photo: ORKTS)

 HA Symposium

Photo (5): Results of the 2nd Innovation Day cum Elevator Pitch Competition Champion: Ynno Med Limited (Photo: ORKTS)

For more information on the event, please refer to press release from CPRO and the website of Innovation Day 2022

Check out the event hightlight video