Event Highlight | BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prizes (STIP) Award Ceremony (15 December 2023)


The Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (BOCHK) Science and Technology Innovation Prize 2023 (BOC STIP), organized by the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation and sponsored by BOCHK, was held on December 15, 2023 to advance the mission of "Boosting Hong Kong and Serving the Country through technology".

This year, Prof. Jiaya JIA of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received the BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize (STIP) in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, following a rigorous evaluation process by experts over past several months. On the occasion, over 150 representatives from the Government, industry, academia, research, and private sector convened to witness the achievements of the laureates and celebrate their success. The Prize focuses on five critical fields driving innovation: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Life and Health Sciences, New Materials and New Energy Technologies, Advanced Manufacturing, and Financial Technologies.


(From left to right) A group photo of Prof. Chun-shan SONG (Dean of Faculty of Science, CUHK), Prof. Hon-ming LAM (Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences, School of Life Sciences, CUHK), Prof. Mai-har SHAM (Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK), Mr. Hiu-shan HSU (Director & President of the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre) with guests. (Photo: ORKTS)


Mr. Hiu-shan HSU (left), Prof. Tony MOK (Department of Clinical Oncology, CUHK; centre) and Dr. Gene MAN (Head of KTEM, ORKTS CUHK; right). (Photo: ORKTS)


Board members and guests taking a group photo at the ceremony. (Photo: ORKTS)


Prof. Dennis LO (Associate Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK and Chairman of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Alliance) gave a welcome remark. (Photo: ORKTS)


Opening speech addressed by Mr. Yu SUN (Vice Chairman and Chief Executive of BOCHK). (Photo: ORKTS)


The Guest of Honour, Mr. Paul CHAN (Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR) addressed his speech. (Photo: ORKTS)


Award presented to Prof. Jiaya JIA (first from left) by Ir. Prof. Jin-Guang TENG (second from left), Member of the 14'" National Committee of CPPCC; Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mr. Jianming FANG (second from right), Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Prof. Yike GUO (first from right), Provost of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. (Photo: BOCHK)


(From left to right) A group photo of Dr. Gene MAN, Mr. Hiu-shan HSU, Prof. Hon-ming LAM, Pro. Kam-Fai WONG (Director, Centre for Innovation and Technology) with other guests during luncheon. (Photo: ORKTS)

About The BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize

The BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize is organised by the Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation and sponsored by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. Aims to recognize the outstanding Hong Kong-based science professionals and research teams for their innovation and commercialization thereof, also to encourages them to explore global science and technology frontiers, meet the country's major strategic needs, and strive to promote the social economic development and people's livelihood enhancement.


Useful Information

BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize