The 7th Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) was successfully held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 23-26 November 2023. GIES is the largest gerontechnology public education event in Hong Kong, which is jointly hosted by the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and co-organised with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation.
This year, GIES featured four themed pavilions focusing on “Smart & Healthy Ageing”, “Tele-practice Platform”, “Gerontechnology Platform – Testing Ground” and “Care Food Pavilion”, as well as showcased nearly 800 products and solutions from over 200 local and overseas exhibitors. The expo attracted some 37,000 visitors over four days.
Our CUHK booth showcased a wide-range of inventions and projects, including health monitoring, rehabilitation equipment, mobility assistance devices and public space co-creation, to facilitate different aspects of life and address the challenges of population ageing in the digital era.
Prof. Raymond TONG (Department of Biomedical Engineering, CUHK; second from right) with project representatives and a guest. (Photo: ORKTS)
Prof. Kelvin TSOI (The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK; centre) with project representatives. (Photo: ORKTS)
Prof. Michael ONG (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK; left) with project representative Ms. Alicia WANG. (Photo: ORKTS)
Prof. Valerie Jane PEREIRA (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, CUHK; second from right) with project representatives at the speech therapy booth located at the Care Food Pavilion. (Photo: ORKTS)
List of Projects
Project Name (Chinese Only) |
Project Investigator |
Department |
可穿戴強力外肌肉 |
Prof. Raymond TONG |
Biomedical Engineering |
擴增實境和虛擬實境遠距復健及健身系統 |
Prof. Raymond TONG |
Biomedical Engineering |
減輕背部負載的外骨骼 |
Prof. Wei Hsin LIAO |
Mechanical and Automation Engineering |
脈衝電磁場對膝骨關節痛長者的肌肉力量和疼痛的影響 |
Prof. Michael ONG |
Orthopaedics and Traumatology |
從口肌健到咀嚼易 |
Prof. Kathy LEE |
Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery |
數碼共同體 : 利用數字孿生和沉浸式遊戲技術共同設計跨代共融公共空間 |
Prof. Jeroen Bastiaan VAN AMEIJDE |
School of Architecture |
全港首個利用流動裝置拍攝功能記錄健康數據的健康管理平台 |
Prof. Kelvin TSOI |
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care |
全自動視網膜圖像分析 |
Prof. Benny ZEE |
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care |