27 Nov 2021 09:30am - 05:00pm

ECOnnect Workshop Series | Climate Action Recognition Scheme 21-22

Event Date: 27 Nov 2021 09:30am - 05:00pm

Type: Workshop 

Organizer: Others  -


對於 #氣候行動嘉許計劃 2021-22 仍然一籌莫展?
#HongKongSDGHub 的報名前期工作坊 - #ECOnnect,今星期六是首場活動,由以下各位 #氣候企業家 協助啟發參與者及構思出應對氣候變化的創新意念。
體驗工作坊 Experiential Workshop
- Harry LI (Founder, Asia Circular Economy Association)
- Dr. Victor LO (Founding Director & Chairman, @Institute of Systematic Innovation, Hong Kong )
研討講座 Discussion Panel (Idea Stage)
Ceicy WONG (Managing Director, Vegware)
Raymond MAK(Co-Founder & CEO, FarmacyHK)
研討講座 Discussion Panel (Scale-Up Stage)
Karena BELIN (Co-Founder & CEO, WHub)
Kai Ping CHEN (Managing Director, Slowood)
快把握機會,立即報名!Don't miss the chance and click here to enroll now! 
Still struggling with the application for #CARS 21-22? The pre-application workshop series - ECOnnect - will have the first round of activity this Saturday. We are honored to invite the above #ClimateEntrepreneurs to inspire you to generate innovative solutions to the climate emergency.
由 和富社會企業 - Hong Kong SDG Hub 主辦、環境局協辦,並得到滙豐慷慨贊助,【氣候行動嘉許計劃 21-22】與香港科學園攜手致力培育青年氣候企業家,實踐創業夢同時應對氣候危機。
Initiated by Wofoo Social Enterprises - Hong Kong SDG Hub, co-organised by the Environment Bureau and sponsored by HSBC, 【Climate Action Recognition Scheme 21-22】strives to cultivate the next generation of climate entrepreneurs with the support from HKSTP.