24 Aug 2023 06:00pm - 07:00pm

「Happy Hour」- Decode the Investment Opportunities in technology innovation business at CUHK

Event Date: 24 Aug 2023 06:00pm - 07:00pm

Type: Seminar 



Happy Hour Entrepreneurial Talk Series - Decode the Investment Opportunities in technology innovation business at CUHK (Aug 24, Thurs, 6pm – 7pm)

Date: 24 August, 2023 (Thursday

Time: 6 pm  – 7 pm

Venue: UGA, InnoPort

Medium: Cantonese  

Content Highlights

Are you looking for investment opportunities in innovative business and impact ventures at the University? Then join us for our upcoming sharing session on 24 Aug. We’re excited to introduce CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd, a newly established company owned by CUHK that bridges the most-needed early stage funding resources for startups. Our guest speakers, Ms. Joyce Ng from CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd and Dr. Wai Shun LO will discuss the roadmap of “CUHK VC (Venture Capital)”. They will also discuss how CUHK alumni can make use of the university’s networking advantages and resources of technological innovation to explore investment opportunities in CUHK ecosystem. 

Date: 24 August, 2023 (Thursday

Time: 6 pm  – 7 pm

Venue: UGA, InnoPort

Medium: Cantonese  


Dr. LAU Chor Yue Victor

Head of Venture Acceleration, the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, CUHK 


Ms. Joyce NG  
Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer, CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd 

Joyce NG is currently the Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of CUHK Innovation Co., Ltd. She was the Investment Director of Cyberport Macro Fund and was the Managing Director at OurCrowd, a hybrid venture capital platform for investing in global startups. With over a decade of experience in hedge fund management, Joyce was the partner and senior portfolio manager of Sumeru Capital, a Greater China-focused equity long/short fund. Prior to joining Sumeru Capital, she was a portfolio manager at LIM Advisors, managing an event-driven portfolio of Asia's oldest hedge fund. Joyce started her career at Citigroup Hong Kong, where she first worked as a corporate finance analyst at Global Markets and then as an Investment Counsellor at Private Bank. Joyce holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago and an MBA from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.

Dr. Wai Shun LO   
Adjunct Professor of the Department of Information Engineering, CUHK 
CEFAR Fellow

Dr. Lo holds a bachelor degree in sciences and a master degree in philosophy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a doctorate degree in Physics from Brown University, United States of America (“U.S.A.”). He is also an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Information Engineering at CUHK. Dr. Lo is a famous angel investor, his current interests include Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI). He is currently the co-chairman of HKBA Hong Kong Blockchain Association and a general partner of DL Capitals, an angel investment fund focusing on disruptive and exponential technologies and has over 30 years of experience in Intellectual Property Commercialization, Business Models Innovation and Technology Transfer. He was holding key executive positions in various Hong Kong listed technology companies, AT&T Bell Labs, HKT Cable & Wireless Innovations and S Venture. He also served as the consultant for many information technology corporations and VCPE. Dr. Lo was a Senior Researcher at Harvard Business School’s Asia-Pacific Research Center. He had conducted many consulting projects for institutions and PE funds such as Hong Kong Government (regulatory policy), IFC of World Bank (Investment strategy in China), Intellectual Ventures (Invention Network).