Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (S-KPF)

What is S-KPF?
S-KPF is a structured programme with seed funding and incubation services for CUHK academics to transform social innovation ideas into social enterprises, which are eventually supported by self-generated income, external investors and other funding sources. From nurturing ideas to developing a business canvas, competitive analysis and go-to-market strategy, we accompany teams in embracing challenges and opportunities in the early start-up stage, helping create values and social impact for a sustainable society.

Project Leader and Co-Leader(s) must be full-time CUHK staff on professoriate or research academic ranks. Other teaching staff will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All CUHK staff, students and non-CUHK members may join as team members.

Funding Amount
Up to HK$600,000 for 2 years

Business development consultancy
Publicity and media engagement support
Partnership liaison

Assessment Criteria
Social impact and value of the proposed project – 25%
Track record of the Project Leader and expertise of team members – 25%
Quality of business plan (e.g. innovation, business model, operation and marketing) – 25%
Potential to attract funding and create leverage with private foundations or government – 25%

How to Apply?
Study proposal guidelines
Complete your proposal with our template
Send BOTH hard and soft copies to ORKTS

(Documents will be available for download in due course)

Important dates
Sep-Nov 2022 - Call for Proposals
Oct 2022 – Information Session
Nov 2022 – Submission Deadline
Mar 2023 – Results Announcement
Apr 2023 – Project Commencement