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In accordance with the University’s strategy in electronic development, the 16th RAC meeting in 2014 has confirmed to support the implementation of the new Academic Information Management System (AIMS), to replace the current research management systems, OPIS and RISE.

Respective groups of stakeholders and key users (Faculties, Departments and central administrative units) were consulted (open forums and surveys); and invited to evaluate the vendor proposals. The Converis of Clarivate Analytics (formerly the IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters) was selected as the new research information system. Converis is based on the Common European Research Input Form (CERIF) that meets the standard of Current Research Information System (CRIS).


What is AIMS?

AIMS is a one-stop platform for research information, it offers better integration of information and more efficient management of research grants.

AIMS integrates with the following University administrative systems, which facilitates the exchange of updated information; and enhances the data accuracy and completeness.

  • CU SAP Finance System (CUSAP)
  • CUHK Personnel Information System (CUPIS)
  • CUHK Student Information System (CUSIS)
  • Staff Profile Update System (SPUS)
  • University Data Warehouse

Apart from an administrative system, AIMS also provides an institutional repository - the Research Portal, to make CUHK research outputs publicly accessible and shared with global research community through a web interface.


  • Replace the OPIS and RISE systems which do not meet the standard of current research information system
  • Offer a central data hub for more comprehensive research information
  • Provide an open access institutional repository for showcasing and sharing CUHK research outputs with global research community
  • Smoothen the administrative workflow through automating and streamlining operations


  • Grant Management
  • Research Portal (Institutional Respository)
  • Reporting Exercises


User Groups

Access to the AIMS system is arranged as below:

Researcher Account

The "Researcher" account have been set up for the following groups of staff/students:

  • Full-time and fractional time teaching staff
  • Full-time research staff
  • Full-time and part-time Research Postgraduate (RPg) students
  • Emeritus professors

Please login AIMS with your OnePass login ID and (CWEM) password.

The "Researcher" account will be set up for the following groups of staff/students on a request basis:

  • Part-time research staff
  • Taught Postgraduate (TPg) students
  • Others as deemed appropriate by the University

If you would like to apply for a Researcher account in AIMS, please click here to download the application form, and submit the completed form together with the Faculty/Department/Unit Head’s endorsement to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The “Faculty/Department Admin” accounts are assigned based on the nominations from the Faculty/Department chairman, for assisting in the handling of project. Please contact the Faculty/Department for details on the account holders.

If you are assisting your Faculty/Department to manage the project records but do not have a Faculty/Department Admin account, please click here to download the application form and seek your Faculty/Department/Unit Head for the approval.

Note: For more information about the user roles, please click here.


Benefits of AIMS
Beneficial Party Benefits
The University
  • Showcasing of CUHK research outputs
  • Enhance the prestige and reputation of the University
Administrative Units
  • Ease of management for research information
  • Streamline of workflows
  • Timely data search and access of information in reporting
Faculty Members/Researchers
  • Research Portal to make research outputs open access, which increase the chance of getting more citations
  • Researcher profile in Research Portal, to highlight the achievement of a researcher, hence bring in potential research collaboration