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DSCF0592(From left to right) Prof. Ho SO, Ms. Carmen TANG, Prof. Elvis CHUI, Prof. Benny ZEE, Prof. Qi DOU, Dr. Jill ABRIGO, Mr. Byron SO and Mr. Barry FONG (Photo: ORKTS) 

Organised by the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS), the symposium on Health Data For All 2024: How to Utilize HA Health Data for Multidisciplinary Grant Applications was held successfully on 09 January 2024 (Tuesday). 

In the symposium, Prof. Qi DOU (Department of Computer Science and Engineering), Prof. Ho SO (Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and Prof. Elvis CHUI (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) shared their inspiring thoughts and experiences of capitalising on the clinical data supported by HADCL for their research agendas. Mr. Byron SO, Manager of HADCL, also introduced the HADCL platform.

Facilitated by Prof. Benny ZEE (OKRTS), the panel discussion joined by the three speakers, Dr. Jill ABRIGO (Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology), Ms. Carmen TANG (ORKTS), Mr. Byron SO (HADCL) and Mr. Barry FONG (HADCL) sparked an intellectual and meaningful dialogue for the better use of health data for multidisciplinary research and the ways it leads to collaborations and grant opportunities.

 Please click here to revisit the recorded video of the symposium.


HA Symposium

Prof. Benny ZEE gave an opening remarks to the mini-symposium (Photo: ORKTS)

 HA Symposium

Mr. Byron SO introduced the HADCL platform (Photo: ORKTS)

HA Symposium

Prof. Qi DOU gave her presentation on "Sharing the journey of a HADCL project: Artificial intelligence for detection of critical findings in head CT scans" (Photo: ORKTS)

 HA Symposium

Prof. Ho SO gave his presentation on "Leveraging machine learning and big data to dissect complex relationships: a case study of cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis" (Photo: ORKTS)

HA Symposium

Prof. Elvis CHUI gave his presentation on "Enhancing Joint Replacement Care: Leveraging Image Analysis for Improved Follow-up Assessment with HADCL Assistance" (Photo: ORKTS)

 HA Symposium

Roundtable discussion (Photo: ORKTS)

HA Symposium

Dr. Jill ABRIGO shared her thoughts during roundtable discussion (Photo: ORKTS)

 HA Symposium

The roundtable discussion also opened the floor for participants (Photo: ORKTS)