External Research Grants
- Details
- Category: Get Started
The University has set out the eligibility requirement on PIs of external research grants. According to Clause 5.1 of CUHK’s Policy on Research:
Academic staff at Assistant Professor rank or Research Assistant Professor rank or above may serve as Principal Investigators of externally supported research awards. Other staff members, with the approval of the immediate supervisor and the Chairperson of the Research Committee may serve as Principal Investigators under special circumstances, provided that a named full-time academic staff member at Associate Professor rank or Research Associate Professor rank or above assumes responsibility for ensuring that the administration of the award conforms with the sponsor's requirements.
Therefore, if the grantor concerned accepts Postdoctoral Fellows/Research Assistants etc. being the PI, they can be PI of external research grants after obtaining special approval from the Chairperson of the Research Committee.
To seek special approval from the Chairperson of the Research Committee, please send the below documents to Grants Team, ORKTS for further processing:
(1) Support letter from the Department Chairman / School Director
to state clearly whether the Department Chairman / School Director will support the staff to seek a one-off approval for a particular grant <Name of the scheme & title of the project>,
to justify the staff’s research capacity and ability, and
to specify whether the staff’s appointment period at CUHK will cover the proposed project period (if not, please justify why the staff is still supported to apply for the grant)
(2) CV of the applicant
to cover PI’s qualification and research experience, i.e. research track record in publications and research projects
(3) Named academic staff member(s) at Associate Professor/Research Associate Professor rank to serve as Co-I(s) in order to assume responsibility for ensuring that the administration of the award conforms with the sponsor's requirements.
(4) In the letter, please specify that the Co-I(s) will fully support PI to oversee the project and ensure the successful completion of the project.
- Details
- Category: Get Started
To apply for external grants, there are some procedures in general:


*For applicants who cannot meet the eligibility requirement on PIs of external research grants as set out by the University, you must seek for the special approval.





Required documents & Submission Procedures for Different Grants:
(Note: Please refer to the page of individual grants for their most updated requirements.)
Details on the Required Documents for RGC Grants:
- Undertaking made by Grant Applicant (all RGC schemes)
- VeriGuide scanning result (depends on the requirement of individual schemes)
- Statement of endorsement (depends on the requirement of individual schemes)
- Collaborative Agreement (depends on the requirement of individual schemes)
- Copy of partner's application form for joint research schemes
Details on Submission Procedures for RGC Grants:
- Submit through RGC Electronic System; or
- Submit hard copies through Grants Team, ORKTS to RGC
Details on the Required Documents for Croucher Schemes:
Details on Submission Procedures for Croucher Schemes:
- Submit through online ststem of the Croucher Foundation; or
- Submit hard copies through ORKTS to the Croucher Foundation
Details on the Required Documents for FHB Grants:
Details on Submission Procedures for FHB Grants:
- Submit through the electronic Grant Management System (Health and Medical Research Fund - Research Grant); or
- Submit hard copies through ORKTS to the Research Fund Secretariat (Health and Medical Research Fund - Research Fellowship Scheme)
Details on the Required Documents for Croucher Schemes:
Details on Submission Procedures for Croucher Schemes:
- Submit through online ststem of the Croucher Foundation; or
- Submit hard copies through ORKTS to the Croucher Foundation
Details on the Required Documents for Mainland Grants (via DMS):
- 項目申報聲明 Declaration for Research Grant at Designated Mainland Set-ups (DMS)
- 申請人承諾書 Undertaking for Research Commitment in DMS
- 申請人所在院系承諾書 Undertaking by Department
- 項目負責人聘書 Employment Certificate <obtained from Human Resources Office>
- 聯合申報協議 Collaborative Agreement(如適用)<template can be obtained from ORKTS upon request>
- 倫理審核證明(如適用)
Details on Submission Procedures for Mainland Grants:
- Submit via online system (for DMS)
Details on the Required Documents for Mainland Grants (VIA CUHK):
- Declaration Form for Research Grants
- 誠信承諾書 (depends on the requirement of individual scheme)
- 倫理審核證明(如適用)
Details on Submission Procedures for Mainland Grants (VIA CUHK):
- Submit via online system